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  • More than 39 million people in the U.S. are aged 65 years or older

    • 12.8 % of the population currently
    • 19 % of the population by 2030
  • There are more than 9 million people in the United States who identify as LGBTQ+

    • 4.1% of Americans
    • o7.5 % of Chicago
  • 2.4 million people aged 65 years or older in the United States openly identify as LGBTQ+

  • It is estimated that there will be 3 million people aged 65 years or older in the United States who openly identify as LGBTQ+ by 2030

  • 8.3% of LGBTQ+ elders reported being neglected or abused by a caretaker due to their sexual orientation or gender identity

Source: Somjen Frazer for The Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation and the New York State Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health and Human Services Network, LGBT Health and Human Services Needs In New York State.

These numbers speak volumes as to the actual scale of this community. But who is the LGBTQ+ client, and why might the home and community-based care industry leave them out?

Do you have a passion for caregiving? If so, come be part of our growing team! Click the apply button!

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caretaker helps elder woman put on clothes